Quality control unit
Quality control unit of Pishro company “ Pishro Polymer Tabarestan”, has two main, general principles “ quality” and “ customer- orienting” by supervising and control on production cycle completely, and believe in it and to get such goals, constantly has supervision and control on process of providing materials and equipments, process of making product and getting customer’s satisfaction.
This unit try to use experienced and professional experts and specialists in field of quality and use advanced testing equipments in order to have constantly control on production process and have confidence on validity, accuracy and proper quality of products.
In this regard and by considering quality needs of customer, this unit concentrated its controls on three parts:
1- Entrance control :
All the items entering factory are sampled and tested according to related standards and if they approve, are transmitted to production line for consumption.
Entrance control process of pieces is implemented by laboratory segment that is equipped with accurate and advanced test and control systems that are permanently calibrated in valid laboratories.
2- Control in process:
In this stage, pieces are sampled and controlled relative to changes and the process according to superficial, dimensional and functional tests based on statistical control methods (SPC,…)
3- Final product control:
In this stage, final product is sampled according to related standards such as superficial control (packing conditions) dimensional control (according to engineering and design unit).